Aaron Ray: 336-363-4639 | Myles: 336-583-5725 | Chad: 513-543-2315

Fun in the Sun: Christmastime Edition!

Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
The Fun in the Sun Sale Series offers the highest available Genomic females, IVF Sessions & embryos of the Holstein, Jersey & Guernsey Breeds! No Minimums! No Reserves!

Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639
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3251838321 99%RHA-I Born 10/16/22 12/22 PTA +3127GTPI +1724M +.18% +120F +.05% +68P +1195NM$ +6.3PL +.0DPR 2.74SCS +1.33T +1.28UDC +.20FLC +322FE +.6FI 1.4%SCE +1209CM$ A2/A2 AA +1115DWP$ +3526GLPI #1 NM$ & #2 GTPI Magnum *One of the highest non-restricted heifers in the breed!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$132,000.00 – #1021


High Bid: $132,000

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3251838321 99%RHA-I Born 10/16/22 12/22 PTA +3127GTPI +1724M +.18% +120F +.05% +68P +1195NM$ +6.3PL +.0DPR 2.74SCS +1.33T +1.28UDC +.20FLC +322FE +.6FI 1.4%SCE +1209CM$ A2/A2 AA +1115DWP$ +3526GLPI #1 NM$ & #2 GTPI Magnum *One of the highest non-restricted heifers in the breed!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

3253982934 99%RHA-I Born 8/19/22 12/22 PTA +3106GTPI +1107M +.29% +127F +.10% +63P +1251NM$ +7.6PL -1.0DPR 2.59SCS +.91T +1.27UDC -.38FLC +327FE -.5FI 1.8%SCE +1277CM$ A1/A2 BB +1314DWP$ +3742GLPI #1 NM$ Fugleman Dtr *Top 40 CM$ and one of the highest NM$/CM$ available in the breed!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$150,000.00 – #1056


High Bid: $150,000

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3253982934 99%RHA-I Born 8/19/22 12/22 PTA +3106GTPI +1107M +.29% +127F +.10% +63P +1251NM$ +7.6PL -1.0DPR 2.59SCS +.91T +1.27UDC -.38FLC +327FE -.5FI 1.8%SCE +1277CM$ A1/A2 BB +1314DWP$ +3742GLPI #1 NM$ Fugleman Dtr *Top 40 CM$ and one of the highest NM$/CM$ available in the breed!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

*Buyers choice of the sisters below #12641 Cookiecutter Hol Homewin-ET 3251839562 99%RHA-I Born 9/27/22 12/22 PTA +3142GTPI +1062M +.26% +116F +.12% +67P +1092NM$ +5.1PL -.8DPR 2.62SCS +1.98T +1.98UDC +.76FLC +304FE +.1FI 2.4%SCE +1120CM$ A1/A1 BB +1080DWP$ +3790GLPI #12649 Cookiecutter Hol Homejoy-ET 3251839570 99%RHA-I Born 9/29/22 12/22 PTA +3136GTPI +1309M +.25% +123F +.07% +62P +1133NM$ +5.6PL -.2DPR 2.65SCS +1.36T +1.73UDC +.70FLC +308FE +.4FI 2.0%SCE +1153CM$ A1/A2 BB +1182DWP$ +3786GLPI * 2 of the highest GTPI available Holysmokes heifers in the breed, both in the top 150 overall!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$111,000.00 – #1021


High Bid: $111,000

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*Buyers choice of the sisters below #12641 Cookiecutter Hol Homewin-ET 3251839562 99%RHA-I Born 9/27/22 12/22 PTA +3142GTPI +1062M +.26% +116F +.12% +67P +1092NM$ +5.1PL -.8DPR 2.62SCS +1.98T +1.98UDC +.76FLC +304FE +.1FI 2.4%SCE +1120CM$ A1/A1 BB +1080DWP$ +3790GLPI #12649 Cookiecutter Hol Homejoy-ET 3251839570 99%RHA-I Born 9/29/22 12/22 PTA +3136GTPI +1309M +.25% +123F +.07% +62P +1133NM$ +5.6PL -.2DPR 2.65SCS +1.36T +1.73UDC +.70FLC +308FE +.4FI 2.0%SCE +1153CM$ A1/A2 BB +1182DWP$ +3786GLPI * 2 of the highest GTPI available Holysmokes heifers in the breed, both in the top 150 overall!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

3240291712 97%RHA-I Born 10/28/22 12/22 PTA +3083GTPI +1162M +.35% +146F +.08% +58P +1245NM$ +5.5PL -2.4DPR 2.68SCS +.88T +1.13UDC -.10FLC +365FE -1.3FI 1.8%SCE +1265CM$ A1/A2 AA +3732GLPI #1 NM$ Porter dtr *One of the highest NM$/CM$ heifers in the breed and also top 50 PTAF! *2 full brothers are over 1200 NM$ (1243NM$ and 1213NM$)

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$82,000.00 – #1021


High Bid: $82,000

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3240291712 97%RHA-I Born 10/28/22 12/22 PTA +3083GTPI +1162M +.35% +146F +.08% +58P +1245NM$ +5.5PL -2.4DPR 2.68SCS +.88T +1.13UDC -.10FLC +365FE -1.3FI 1.8%SCE +1265CM$ A1/A2 AA +3732GLPI #1 NM$ Porter dtr *One of the highest NM$/CM$ heifers in the breed and also top 50 PTAF! *2 full brothers are over 1200 NM$ (1243NM$ and 1213NM$)

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

3243343357 99%RHA-I Born 8/20/22 12/22 PTA +3081GTPI +1056M +.26% +117F +.08% +55P +1095NM$ +5.2PL +.5DPR 2.79SCS +1.33T +1.84UDC +.12FLC +294FE +1.4FI 1.9%SCE +1112CM$ A1/A2 BE +3715GLPI *Very early Frost Bite from one of dominant cow families of the breed! *Same family as Ladys-Manor Frstbt Oh-MY, the #1 NM$ bull in the breed @ +1384NM$ and +3235GTPI -also Owen, Overdo, and Overtake!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$39,000.00 – #1032


High Bid: $39,000

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3243343357 99%RHA-I Born 8/20/22 12/22 PTA +3081GTPI +1056M +.26% +117F +.08% +55P +1095NM$ +5.2PL +.5DPR 2.79SCS +1.33T +1.84UDC +.12FLC +294FE +1.4FI 1.9%SCE +1112CM$ A1/A2 BE +3715GLPI *Very early Frost Bite from one of dominant cow families of the breed! *Same family as Ladys-Manor Frstbt Oh-MY, the #1 NM$ bull in the breed @ +1384NM$ and +3235GTPI -also Owen, Overdo, and Overtake!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Aurora Parfect 23719-ET 3234325918 99%RHA-I Born 4/29/21 12/22 PTA +3184GTPI +1692M +.17% +117F +.07% +73P +1130NM$ +5.1PL -1.1DPR 2.84SCS +1.96T +1.97UDC +1.56FLC +316FE -.3FI 2.2%SCE +1146CM$ A2/A2 AB +3670GLPI *#1 gTPI Parfect daughter and possibly the #1 gTPI available! *Last offering from 23719 *Mat. brother: 250HO16119 Letchworth +3091GTPI +1129NM$

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$80,000.00 – #1055


High Bid: $80,000

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Aurora Parfect 23719-ET 3234325918 99%RHA-I Born 4/29/21 12/22 PTA +3184GTPI +1692M +.17% +117F +.07% +73P +1130NM$ +5.1PL -1.1DPR 2.84SCS +1.96T +1.97UDC +1.56FLC +316FE -.3FI 2.2%SCE +1146CM$ A2/A2 AB +3670GLPI *#1 gTPI Parfect daughter and possibly the #1 gTPI available! *Last offering from 23719 *Mat. brother: 250HO16119 Letchworth +3091GTPI +1129NM$

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Terra-Linda Overdo 11664-ET 3249796175 99%RHA-I Born 8/3/22 12/22 PTA +3169GTPI +1456M +.26% +132F +.05% +60P +1220NM$ +6.2PL -.5DPR 2.65SCS +1.52T +1.66UDC +.54FLC +333FE +.1FI 1.9%SCE +1236CM$ A2/A2 BB +1277DWP$ +3672GLPI #2 NM$/#3 GTPI Overdo daughter *One of the highest IVF sessions ever offered!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$55,000.00 – #1053


High Bid: $55,000

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Terra-Linda Overdo 11664-ET 3249796175 99%RHA-I Born 8/3/22 12/22 PTA +3169GTPI +1456M +.26% +132F +.05% +60P +1220NM$ +6.2PL -.5DPR 2.65SCS +1.52T +1.66UDC +.54FLC +333FE +.1FI 1.9%SCE +1236CM$ A2/A2 BB +1277DWP$ +3672GLPI #2 NM$/#3 GTPI Overdo daughter *One of the highest IVF sessions ever offered!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Pine-Tree 7593 Outc 9188-ET 3240345389 99%RHA-I Born 8/9/21 12/22 PTA +3068GTPI +1597M +.24% +131F +.04% +62P +1248NM$ +6.2PL -1.2DPR 2.71SCS +.36T +.70UDC +.05FLC +342FE -.7FI 1.7%SCE +1262CM$ A1/A1 EE +1313DWP$ #1 NM$ Outcome daughter *Top 75 NM$/CM$ in the breed!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$37,500.00 – #1046


High Bid: $37,500

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Pine-Tree 7593 Outc 9188-ET 3240345389 99%RHA-I Born 8/9/21 12/22 PTA +3068GTPI +1597M +.24% +131F +.04% +62P +1248NM$ +6.2PL -1.2DPR 2.71SCS +.36T +.70UDC +.05FLC +342FE -.7FI 1.7%SCE +1262CM$ A1/A1 EE +1313DWP$ #1 NM$ Outcome daughter *Top 75 NM$/CM$ in the breed!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: FB 644050 Gameday 700856-ET 3225323394 99%RHA-I Born 9/15/21 12/22 PTA +3139GTPI +1547M +.28% +143F +.07% +69P +1231NM$ +5.6PL -3.1DPR 2.89SCS +1.57T +1.38UDC +.62FLC +367FE -1.8I 2.6%SCE +1246CM$ A1/A2 AA +3631GLPI #2 NM$ Gameday daughter *Extreme CFP ranking (Top 70)! *Heifer is housed at Gen Start

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$37,000.00 – #1068


High Bid: $37,000

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: FB 644050 Gameday 700856-ET 3225323394 99%RHA-I Born 9/15/21 12/22 PTA +3139GTPI +1547M +.28% +143F +.07% +69P +1231NM$ +5.6PL -3.1DPR 2.89SCS +1.57T +1.38UDC +.62FLC +367FE -1.8I 2.6%SCE +1246CM$ A1/A2 AA +3631GLPI #2 NM$ Gameday daughter *Extreme CFP ranking (Top 70)! *Heifer is housed at Gen Start

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Kenyon-Hill Gameday Onia-ET 3232427750 99%RHA-I Born 10/2/21 12/22 PTA +3144GTPI +965M +.28% +118F +.09% +55P +1057NM$ +5.5PL -.2DPR 2.64SCS +2.76T +1.87UDC +1.17FLC +277FE +.2FI 2.5%SCE +1079CM$ A1/A2 AA +3711GLPI *Last 4 OPU average: 13.75 oocytes & 5.25 embryos #4 GTPI Gameday daughter #1 GTPI heifer over 2.50 PTAT!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$27,500.00 – #1052


High Bid: $27,500

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Kenyon-Hill Gameday Onia-ET 3232427750 99%RHA-I Born 10/2/21 12/22 PTA +3144GTPI +965M +.28% +118F +.09% +55P +1057NM$ +5.5PL -.2DPR 2.64SCS +2.76T +1.87UDC +1.17FLC +277FE +.2FI 2.5%SCE +1079CM$ A1/A2 AA +3711GLPI *Last 4 OPU average: 13.75 oocytes & 5.25 embryos #4 GTPI Gameday daughter #1 GTPI heifer over 2.50 PTAT!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: FB 644050 Drive 701169-ET 3243793691 99%RHA-I Born 12/18/21 12/22 PTA +3122GTPI +1203M +.23% +114F +.06% +56P +1179NM$ +7.2PL +.2DPR 2.74SCS +1.20T +1.77UDC +.05FLC +287FE +1.3FI 2.2%SCE +1195CM$ A2/A2 AB +3692GLPI #1 GTPI & #2 NM$ Drive daughter *Excellent breed NM$ and gTPI rank amongst flush age heifers. *Heifer is housed at Gen Start

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$41,000.00 – #1008


High Bid: $41,000

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: FB 644050 Drive 701169-ET 3243793691 99%RHA-I Born 12/18/21 12/22 PTA +3122GTPI +1203M +.23% +114F +.06% +56P +1179NM$ +7.2PL +.2DPR 2.74SCS +1.20T +1.77UDC +.05FLC +287FE +1.3FI 2.2%SCE +1195CM$ A2/A2 AB +3692GLPI #1 GTPI & #2 NM$ Drive daughter *Excellent breed NM$ and gTPI rank amongst flush age heifers. *Heifer is housed at Gen Start

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Plain-Knoll Kashton 3961-ET 3228677134 99%RHA-I Born 4/4/22 12/22 PTA +3084GTPI +1473M +.16% +103F +.06% +62P +1191NM$ +8.2PL -.6DPR 2.59SCS +.85T +1.44UDC +.42FLC +285FE +.2FI 2.3%SCE +1209CM$ A2/A2 AB +3623GLPI *1st aspiration produced 26 oocytes! #2 NM Kashton daughter *Extreme PL!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$32,000.00 – #500


High Bid: $32,000

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Plain-Knoll Kashton 3961-ET 3228677134 99%RHA-I Born 4/4/22 12/22 PTA +3084GTPI +1473M +.16% +103F +.06% +62P +1191NM$ +8.2PL -.6DPR 2.59SCS +.85T +1.44UDC +.42FLC +285FE +.2FI 2.3%SCE +1209CM$ A2/A2 AB +3623GLPI *1st aspiration produced 26 oocytes! #2 NM Kashton daughter *Extreme PL!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Pine-Tree 8361 Engi 9327-ET 3240345528 99%RHA-I Born 11/25/21 12/22 PTA +3094GTPI +1298M +.24% +119F +.07% +61P +1166NM$ +6.1PL -.2DPR 2.80SCS +.94T +1.28UDC +.86FLC +311FE +.8FI 2.1%SCE +1182CM$ A2/A2 AB +1309DWP$ +3677GLPI #3 NM/ #4 GTPI Engineer daughter

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$25,000.00 – #1052


High Bid: $25,000

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Pine-Tree 8361 Engi 9327-ET 3240345528 99%RHA-I Born 11/25/21 12/22 PTA +3094GTPI +1298M +.24% +119F +.07% +61P +1166NM$ +6.1PL -.2DPR 2.80SCS +.94T +1.28UDC +.86FLC +311FE +.8FI 2.1%SCE +1182CM$ A2/A2 AB +1309DWP$ +3677GLPI #3 NM/ #4 GTPI Engineer daughter

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Cookiecutter Mshinr Heiraid 3236692323 99%RHA-I Born 10/10/21 12/22 PTA +3083GTPI +1594M +.16% +109F +.05% +63P +1173NM$ +5.7PL +.4DPR 2.84SCS +1.25T +1.74UDC -.04FLC +320FE +1.0FI 1.7%SCE +1184CM$ A2/A2 AB +1112DWP$ *Last 4 OPU average: 22 oocytes, all pooled #2 NM$ Moonshiner daughter

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$35,000.00 – #1008


High Bid: $35,000

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Cookiecutter Mshinr Heiraid 3236692323 99%RHA-I Born 10/10/21 12/22 PTA +3083GTPI +1594M +.16% +109F +.05% +63P +1173NM$ +5.7PL +.4DPR 2.84SCS +1.25T +1.74UDC -.04FLC +320FE +1.0FI 1.7%SCE +1184CM$ A2/A2 AB +1112DWP$ *Last 4 OPU average: 22 oocytes, all pooled #2 NM$ Moonshiner daughter

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Melarry Gameday 2506-ET 3250086116 99%RHA-I Born 3/10/22 12/22 PTA +3032GTPI +1289M +.20% +108F +.06% +57P +1177NM$ +6.7PL -.2DPR 2.67SCS +1.00T +.96UDC +.39FLC +307FE +.6FI 1.8%SCE +1194CM$ A2/A2 AB +3555GLPI #6 NM$ Gameday daughter

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$13,000.00 – #1046


High Bid: $13,000

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IVF Session *Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions. Dam of IVF Session: Melarry Gameday 2506-ET 3250086116 99%RHA-I Born 3/10/22 12/22 PTA +3032GTPI +1289M +.20% +108F +.06% +57P +1177NM$ +6.7PL -.2DPR 2.67SCS +1.00T +.96UDC +.39FLC +307FE +.6FI 1.8%SCE +1194CM$ A2/A2 AB +3555GLPI #6 NM$ Gameday daughter

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

13249796172 99%RHA-I Born 7/30/22 12/22 PTA +3063GTPI +1798M +.20% +130F +.09% +82P +1123NM$ +3.6PL -2.3DPR 3.02SCS +1.53T +1.03UDC -.15FLC +366FE -1.3FI 2.0%SCS +1138CM$ A2/A2 BB +1172DWP$ +3558GLPI *Extreme production w/ +212 CFP! *CFP is Top 70 in the breed!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$21,000.00 – #1053


High Bid: $21,000

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13249796172 99%RHA-I Born 7/30/22 12/22 PTA +3063GTPI +1798M +.20% +130F +.09% +82P +1123NM$ +3.6PL -2.3DPR 3.02SCS +1.53T +1.03UDC -.15FLC +366FE -1.3FI 2.0%SCS +1138CM$ A2/A2 BB +1172DWP$ +3558GLPI *Extreme production w/ +212 CFP! *CFP is Top 70 in the breed!

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

3249796185 99%RHA-I Born 8/12/22 12/22 PTA +3040GTPI +1310M +.21% +112F +.02% +47P +1136NM$ +6.2PL +.7DPR 2.69SCS +.99T +1.41UDC +.62FLC +294FE +1.2FI 1.5%SCE +1147CM$ A1/A2 AB +1262DWP$ +3623GLPI

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$13,000.00 – #1054


High Bid: $13,000

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3249796185 99%RHA-I Born 8/12/22 12/22 PTA +3040GTPI +1310M +.21% +112F +.02% +47P +1136NM$ +6.2PL +.7DPR 2.69SCS +.99T +1.41UDC +.62FLC +294FE +1.2FI 1.5%SCE +1147CM$ A1/A2 AB +1262DWP$ +3623GLPI

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

Vatland Overtake 5896-ET 3236336894 99%RHA-I Born 9/24/22 12/22 PTA +3032GTPI +1218M +.18% +100F +.08% +62P +1056NM$ +5.2PL +.0DPR 2.79SCS +1.39T +1.47UDC +.50FLC +280FE +.6FI 2.1%SCE +1074CM$ A2/A2 AB +3566GLPI Vatland Overtake 5895-ET 3236336893 99%RHA-I Born 9/23/22 12/22 PTA +3067GTPI +524M +.21% +80F +.13% +53P +969NM$ +6.9PL +1.9DPR 2.68SCS +1.81T +1.98UDC +1.19FLC +201FE +2.4FI 2.3%SCE +996CM$ A2/A2 BB +3651GLPI *The highest available Overtake daughters in the breed

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$17,000.00 – #1071


High Bid: $17,000

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Vatland Overtake 5896-ET 3236336894 99%RHA-I Born 9/24/22 12/22 PTA +3032GTPI +1218M +.18% +100F +.08% +62P +1056NM$ +5.2PL +.0DPR 2.79SCS +1.39T +1.47UDC +.50FLC +280FE +.6FI 2.1%SCE +1074CM$ A2/A2 AB +3566GLPI Vatland Overtake 5895-ET 3236336893 99%RHA-I Born 9/23/22 12/22 PTA +3067GTPI +524M +.21% +80F +.13% +53P +969NM$ +6.9PL +1.9DPR 2.68SCS +1.81T +1.98UDC +1.19FLC +201FE +2.4FI 2.3%SCE +996CM$ A2/A2 BB +3651GLPI *The highest available Overtake daughters in the breed

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

3249796144 99%RHA-NA Born 7/13/22 12/22 PTA +3055GTPI +1337M +.20% +111F +.06% +58P +1088NM$ +4.8PL -.2DPR 2.87SCS +1.76T +2.29UDC +.33FLC +310FE +.2FI 2.3%SCE +1101CM$ A2/A2 BB +1051DWP$ +3636GLPI

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$16,500.00 – #1007


High Bid: $16,500

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3249796144 99%RHA-NA Born 7/13/22 12/22 PTA +3055GTPI +1337M +.20% +111F +.06% +58P +1088NM$ +4.8PL -.2DPR 2.87SCS +1.76T +2.29UDC +.33FLC +310FE +.2FI 2.3%SCE +1101CM$ A2/A2 BB +1051DWP$ +3636GLPI

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

3248971425 99%RHA-I Born 5/31/22 12/22 PTA +3019GTPI +2027M +.16% +127F +.02% +68P +1022NM$ +3.2PL -2.0DPR 2.90SCS +1.39T +1.45UDC +.00FLC +318FE -.9FI 1.6%SCE +1028CM$ A2/A2 AB +3707GLPI *Ready to IVF

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$9,500.00 – #1003


High Bid: $9,500

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3248971425 99%RHA-I Born 5/31/22 12/22 PTA +3019GTPI +2027M +.16% +127F +.02% +68P +1022NM$ +3.2PL -2.0DPR 2.90SCS +1.39T +1.45UDC +.00FLC +318FE -.9FI 1.6%SCE +1028CM$ A2/A2 AB +3707GLPI *Ready to IVF

Location: Remote Live Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray 336-363-4639

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