Aaron Ray: 336-363-4639 | Myles: 336-583-5725 | Chad: 513-543-2315

National Holstein Convention Sale

170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Outstanding Registered Holsteins

Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639
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IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Aurora Sheepster 26094-ET
3269399662 99%RHA-I
Born 5/31/23 A1/A1 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3312GTPI +1399NM$
+1425CM$ +224CFP +381FE
+1521M +.27% +138F +.13% +86P
+7.6PL 2.84SCS +.8DPR +1.6FI
+.76T +.82UDC +.24FLC 2.6%SCE
* Last 4 OPU’s averaged 37.25 oocytes!
*Top 20 NM$/CM$ & Top 25 GTPI heifer in the breed!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$95,000.00 – #201


High Bid: $95,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Aurora Sheepster 26094-ET
3269399662 99%RHA-I
Born 5/31/23 A1/A1 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3312GTPI +1399NM$
+1425CM$ +224CFP +381FE
+1521M +.27% +138F +.13% +86P
+7.6PL 2.84SCS +.8DPR +1.6FI
+.76T +.82UDC +.24FLC 2.6%SCE
* Last 4 OPU’s averaged 37.25 oocytes!
*Top 20 NM$/CM$ & Top 25 GTPI heifer in the breed!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3249968984 99%RHA-I
Born 9/1/23
4/24 PTA +2602GTPI +1159M +47F
+41P +3.56T +2.59UDC +1.57FLC
+12 Conformation
*Never been flushed
*Made for 2025 Fall Yearling in Milk!
*Sells w/ $12,000 in embryo contracts!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$22,000.00 – #209


High Bid: $22,000

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3249968984 99%RHA-I
Born 9/1/23
4/24 PTA +2602GTPI +1159M +47F
+41P +3.56T +2.59UDC +1.57FLC
+12 Conformation
*Never been flushed
*Made for 2025 Fall Yearling in Milk!
*Sells w/ $12,000 in embryo contracts!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Pen-Col S Glimmer 6913-ET
3242815753 99%RHA-I
Born 6/1/23 A2/A2 AA MW-0
4/24 PTA +3327GTPI +1395NM$
+1414CM$ +236CFP +396FE
+1845M +.27% +150F +.10% +86P
+6.9PL 2.90SCS -1.0DPR +.1FI
+1.38T +1.07UDC +.49FLC 2.9%SCE
+3888GLPI +1429DWP$
*Last 3 aspirations averaged 31 oocytes
and 20 embryos!
*Top 15 GTPI and Top 25 NM$/CM$ heifer in the breed!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$92,000.00 – #500


High Bid: $92,000

More Details

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IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Pen-Col S Glimmer 6913-ET
3242815753 99%RHA-I
Born 6/1/23 A2/A2 AA MW-0
4/24 PTA +3327GTPI +1395NM$
+1414CM$ +236CFP +396FE
+1845M +.27% +150F +.10% +86P
+6.9PL 2.90SCS -1.0DPR +.1FI
+1.38T +1.07UDC +.49FLC 2.9%SCE
+3888GLPI +1429DWP$
*Last 3 aspirations averaged 31 oocytes
and 20 embryos!
*Top 15 GTPI and Top 25 NM$/CM$ heifer in the breed!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3233645585 99%RHA-I
Born 12/1/23 A1/A2 BB
5/24 PTA +2720GTPI +.23% +78F
+3.50T +2.40UDC +1.67FLC
+9 Conformation

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$4,500.00 – #213


High Bid: $4,500

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More Info / Bid Track Item

3233645585 99%RHA-I
Born 12/1/23 A1/A2 BB
5/24 PTA +2720GTPI +.23% +78F
+3.50T +2.40UDC +1.67FLC
+9 Conformation

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Kenyon-Hill Pergrne Olly-ET
3273775670 99%RHA-I
Born 12/28/23 A1/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3323GTPI +1234NM$
+1263CM$ +232CFP +366FE
+1103M +.39% +157F +.14% +75P
+4.4PL 2.72SCS -.9DPR +.1FI
+2.09T +1.54UDC +.79FLC 2.4%SCE
#1 NM$/gTPI Peregrine daughter.
*Top 20 GTPI heifer in the breed

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$100,000.00 – #1007


High Bid: $100,000

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More Info / Bid Track Item

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Kenyon-Hill Pergrne Olly-ET
3273775670 99%RHA-I
Born 12/28/23 A1/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3323GTPI +1234NM$
+1263CM$ +232CFP +366FE
+1103M +.39% +157F +.14% +75P
+4.4PL 2.72SCS -.9DPR +.1FI
+2.09T +1.54UDC +.79FLC 2.4%SCE
#1 NM$/gTPI Peregrine daughter.
*Top 20 GTPI heifer in the breed

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3267547725 99%RHA-I
Born 7/25/23 4/24 PTA +2580GTPI
+1610M +50F +43P +2.0PL 2.92SCS
+2.63T +2.43UDC +1.32FLC
+11 Conformation
*Never been flushed!
*Housed at Budjon Boarding, WI

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$4,500.00 – #1085


High Bid: $4,500

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3267547725 99%RHA-I
Born 7/25/23 4/24 PTA +2580GTPI
+1610M +50F +43P +2.0PL 2.92SCS
+2.63T +2.43UDC +1.32FLC
+11 Conformation
*Never been flushed!
*Housed at Budjon Boarding, WI

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Adaway Owen 3827-ET
3267672955 99%RHA-I HH5
Born 2/2/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3295GTPI +1219NM$
+1243CM$ +235CFP +375FE
+1810M +.26% +146F +.11% +89P
+4.3PL 2.76SCS -2.3DPR -1.3FI
+2.17T +1.97UDC +.65FLC 2.5%SCE
+3705GLPI +1192DWP$
#3 GTPI Owen daughter.
*Top 50 GTPI heifer in the breed

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$35,000.00 – #500


High Bid: $35,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Adaway Owen 3827-ET
3267672955 99%RHA-I HH5
Born 2/2/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3295GTPI +1219NM$
+1243CM$ +235CFP +375FE
+1810M +.26% +146F +.11% +89P
+4.3PL 2.76SCS -2.3DPR -1.3FI
+2.17T +1.97UDC +.65FLC 2.5%SCE
+3705GLPI +1192DWP$
#3 GTPI Owen daughter.
*Top 50 GTPI heifer in the breed

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3260843002 99%RHA-I
Born 10/1/22
Due 11/5/24 to 507HO16104 Eye Candy (sexed)
*Donor Dam
*Housed at Budjon Boarding, WI Lot 4T sells in package
w/ 4-#1 IVF female embryos
by 551HO3379 Delta-Lambda:

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$9,000.00 – #500


High Bid: $9,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3260843002 99%RHA-I
Born 10/1/22
Due 11/5/24 to 507HO16104 Eye Candy (sexed)
*Donor Dam
*Housed at Budjon Boarding, WI Lot 4T sells in package
w/ 4-#1 IVF female embryos
by 551HO3379 Delta-Lambda:

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
SDG-PH 7858Sundance 8391-ET
3268957627 99%RHA-I
Born 1/29/24 A1/A2 BE MW-0
4/24 PTA +3265GTPI +1331NM$
+1350CM$ +193CFP +329FE
+1545M +.23% +126F +.06% +67P
+8.0PL 2.61SCS +.3DPR +1.3FI
+1.66T +1.78UDC -.54FLC 1.6%SCE
+3855GLPI +1353DWP$
*Top 10 GTPI Sundance daughter
*Top 150 GTPI heifer in the breed

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$45,000.00 – #1037


High Bid: $45,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
SDG-PH 7858Sundance 8391-ET
3268957627 99%RHA-I
Born 1/29/24 A1/A2 BE MW-0
4/24 PTA +3265GTPI +1331NM$
+1350CM$ +193CFP +329FE
+1545M +.23% +126F +.06% +67P
+8.0PL 2.61SCS +.3DPR +1.3FI
+1.66T +1.78UDC -.54FLC 1.6%SCE
+3855GLPI +1353DWP$
*Top 10 GTPI Sundance daughter
*Top 150 GTPI heifer in the breed

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3281746319 99%RHA-I
Born 10/14/23 A2/A2 AB
4/24 PTA +2414GTPI +749M +43F
+27P +1.99T +2.05UDC
+11 Conformation
*Unlimited worldwide embryo market!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$6,000.00 – #500


High Bid: $6,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3281746319 99%RHA-I
Born 10/14/23 A2/A2 AB
4/24 PTA +2414GTPI +749M +43F
+27P +1.99T +2.05UDC
+11 Conformation
*Unlimited worldwide embryo market!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Con-River Lworth Ladybug-ET
3278826863 99%RHA-I
Born 9/15/23 A2/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3293GTPI +1235NM$
+1258CM$ +195CFP +320FE
+1039M +.31% +130F +.11% +65P
+6.4PL 2.81SCS +1.3DPR +1.9FI
+2.09T +1.95UDC +.83FLC 2.0%SCE
+3921GLPI +1371DWP$
IVF 4X and avg. 28 oocytes & 8 transfers
#2 GTPI Letchworth
*Top 30 GTPI heifer in the breed 6 months of age

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$55,000.00 – #1037


High Bid: $55,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Con-River Lworth Ladybug-ET
3278826863 99%RHA-I
Born 9/15/23 A2/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3293GTPI +1235NM$
+1258CM$ +195CFP +320FE
+1039M +.31% +130F +.11% +65P
+6.4PL 2.81SCS +1.3DPR +1.9FI
+2.09T +1.95UDC +.83FLC 2.0%SCE
+3921GLPI +1371DWP$
IVF 4X and avg. 28 oocytes & 8 transfers
#2 GTPI Letchworth
*Top 30 GTPI heifer in the breed 6 months of age

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3281746351 99%RHA-I
Born 12/25/23

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$4,600.00 – #1039


High Bid: $4,600

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3281746351 99%RHA-I
Born 12/25/23

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
T-Spruce Ltchworth 20741-ET
3260818153 99%RHA-I
Born 3/18/23 A2/A2 AA MW-free
4/24 PTA +3244GTPI +1254NM$
+1281CM$ +191CFP +322FE
+950M +.32% +130F +.11% +61P
+6.8PL 2.58SCS +.7DPR +1.8FI
+1.25T +1.67UDC +.25FLC 2.2%SCE
*Avg. 13 oocytes (all pooled)
#5 GTPI Letchworth daughter

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$10,000.00 – #500


High Bid: $10,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
T-Spruce Ltchworth 20741-ET
3260818153 99%RHA-I
Born 3/18/23 A2/A2 AA MW-free
4/24 PTA +3244GTPI +1254NM$
+1281CM$ +191CFP +322FE
+950M +.32% +130F +.11% +61P
+6.8PL 2.58SCS +.7DPR +1.8FI
+1.25T +1.67UDC +.25FLC 2.2%SCE
*Avg. 13 oocytes (all pooled)
#5 GTPI Letchworth daughter

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3257589203- pending
Born 3/1/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +2976GTPI +666NM$
+684CM$ +140CFP +2.4PL -1.3DPR
+926M +.18% +87F +.08% +53P
+4.10T +2.94UDC +2.14FLC
+11 Conformation,
+10 Mammary system
*Only RC heifer in the World over
+2950GTPI and +4.00 for Type!
*Same famly as 712HO1022 Zion-P

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$5,500.00 – #1082


High Bid: $5,500

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3257589203- pending
Born 3/1/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +2976GTPI +666NM$
+684CM$ +140CFP +2.4PL -1.3DPR
+926M +.18% +87F +.08% +53P
+4.10T +2.94UDC +2.14FLC
+11 Conformation,
+10 Mammary system
*Only RC heifer in the World over
+2950GTPI and +4.00 for Type!
*Same famly as 712HO1022 Zion-P

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Cookiecutter Hike Homage-ET
3275121125 99%RHA-NA
Born 10/29/23 A2/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3221GTPI +1309NM$
+1326CM$ +185CFP +339FE
+1456M +.22% +121F +.06% +64P
+6.9PL 2.71SCS +1.4DPR +2.1FI
+1.20T +1.51UDC +.16FLC 2.1%SCE
+3827GLPI +1430DWP$
*Aspirated 4X averaging 16 oocytes
”Extremely unique sire stack from a World Famous Pedigree”.

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$50,000.00 – #214


High Bid: $50,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

IVF Session
*Buyer is purchasing rights to control the next IVF session(s). Buyer is guar- anteed IVF sessions until a minimum of 8 #1 or #2 IVF embryos are produced. Embryo grades are determined at the time of transfer if fresh embryos or at time of freezing if freezing is requested by buyer. Buyer keeps all resulting embryos from these controlled IVF sessions. Buyer is responsible for all costs of the aspiration and mating sire decisions.
Dam of IVF Session:
Cookiecutter Hike Homage-ET
3275121125 99%RHA-NA
Born 10/29/23 A2/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3221GTPI +1309NM$
+1326CM$ +185CFP +339FE
+1456M +.22% +121F +.06% +64P
+6.9PL 2.71SCS +1.4DPR +2.1FI
+1.20T +1.51UDC +.16FLC 2.1%SCE
+3827GLPI +1430DWP$
*Aspirated 4X averaging 16 oocytes
”Extremely unique sire stack from a World Famous Pedigree”.

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3280191709- pending
Born 2/6/24 A1/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +2964GTPI +889NM$
+904CM$ +132CFP +5.4PL +.5DPR
+1256M +.10% +78F +.05% +54P
+2.26T +2.03UDC +1.29FLC
*One of only two Red heifers in the World
+2950G +1200M +DPR & +2.25T!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$3,500.00 – #500


High Bid: $3,500

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3280191709- pending
Born 2/6/24 A1/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +2964GTPI +889NM$
+904CM$ +132CFP +5.4PL +.5DPR
+1256M +.10% +78F +.05% +54P
+2.26T +2.03UDC +1.29FLC
*One of only two Red heifers in the World
+2950G +1200M +DPR & +2.25T!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3286325341 99%RHA-I
Born 2/19/24 A2/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3259GTPI +1253NM$
+1274CM$ +222CFP +375FE
+1498M +.30% +145F +.10% +77P
+4.5PL 2.84SCS +.6DPR +1.8FI
+1.16T +1.35UDC +.23FLC 1.6%SCE
*Top 15 GTPI Owen
*Top 200 GTPI heifer in the breed

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$30,000.00 – #500


High Bid: $30,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3286325341 99%RHA-I
Born 2/19/24 A2/A2 AB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3259GTPI +1253NM$
+1274CM$ +222CFP +375FE
+1498M +.30% +145F +.10% +77P
+4.5PL 2.84SCS +.6DPR +1.8FI
+1.16T +1.35UDC +.23FLC 1.6%SCE
*Top 15 GTPI Owen
*Top 200 GTPI heifer in the breed

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3267547859 99%RHA-I
Born 3/2/24
5/24 PTA +2730GTPI +577NM$
+774M +37F +30P +5.0PL
+3.55T +2.94UDC +1.41FLC
+11 Conformation
*Highest GTPI Red and White
Shakira offspring in the World!
*Housed at Budjon Farms, WI

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$10,000.00 – #1024


High Bid: $10,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3267547859 99%RHA-I
Born 3/2/24
5/24 PTA +2730GTPI +577NM$
+774M +37F +30P +5.0PL
+3.55T +2.94UDC +1.41FLC
+11 Conformation
*Highest GTPI Red and White
Shakira offspring in the World!
*Housed at Budjon Farms, WI

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

Selling Choice of the 3 below:
Welcome Sundance Toni-ET
3274869268- pending (ID #10002)
Born 1/25/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3213GTPI +1283NM$
+1309CM$ +199CFP +341FE
+1278M +.28% +130F +.10% +69P
+6.8PL 2.55SCS -.8DPR +.0FI
+1.42T +1.68UDC -.25FLC 1.9%SCE
+3773GLPI +1338DWP$
Welcome Sundance Tina-ET
3274869286- pending (ID #10020)
Born 2/5/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3245GTPI +1280NM$
+1299CM$ +206CFP +348FE
+1815M +.20% +130F +.07% +76P
+6.8PL 2.62SCS -1.4DPR -.5FI
+1.87T +1.86UDC -.08FLC 2.0%SCE
+3846GLPI +1346DWP$
Welcome Sundance Tracy-ET
3274869276- pending (ID #10010)
Born 1/29/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3222GTPI +1262NM$
+1287CM$ +196CFP +339FE
+1410M +.22% +118F +.12% +78P
+6.6PL 2.71SCS -.6DPR +.1FI
+1.72T +1.94UDC -.05FLC 1.9%SCE
+3882GLPI +1414DWP$

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$72,500.00 – #500


High Bid: $72,500

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

Selling Choice of the 3 below:
Welcome Sundance Toni-ET
3274869268- pending (ID #10002)
Born 1/25/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3213GTPI +1283NM$
+1309CM$ +199CFP +341FE
+1278M +.28% +130F +.10% +69P
+6.8PL 2.55SCS -.8DPR +.0FI
+1.42T +1.68UDC -.25FLC 1.9%SCE
+3773GLPI +1338DWP$
Welcome Sundance Tina-ET
3274869286- pending (ID #10020)
Born 2/5/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3245GTPI +1280NM$
+1299CM$ +206CFP +348FE
+1815M +.20% +130F +.07% +76P
+6.8PL 2.62SCS -1.4DPR -.5FI
+1.87T +1.86UDC -.08FLC 2.0%SCE
+3846GLPI +1346DWP$
Welcome Sundance Tracy-ET
3274869276- pending (ID #10010)
Born 1/29/24 A2/A2 BB MW-0
4/24 PTA +3222GTPI +1262NM$
+1287CM$ +196CFP +339FE
+1410M +.22% +118F +.12% +78P
+6.6PL 2.71SCS -.6DPR +.1FI
+1.72T +1.94UDC -.05FLC 1.9%SCE
+3882GLPI +1414DWP$

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

3277845095 99%RHA-I
Born 8/18/23 A2/A2 MW-0
4/24 PTA +3044GTPI +860NM$
+877CM$ +166CFP +253FE
+1270M +.18% +102F +64P +3.6PL
+3.25T +2.73UDC +1.25FLC
+9 Conformation
Donor Dam. IVF History:
3/28/24- 12 oocytes / 6 embryos.
4/11/24- 17 oocytes / 11 embryos.
4/25/24 - 11 oocytes / 6 embryos.
*Full brothers @ Select & Semex!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$6,000.00 – #1031


High Bid: $6,000

More Details

More Info / Bid Track Item

3277845095 99%RHA-I
Born 8/18/23 A2/A2 MW-0
4/24 PTA +3044GTPI +860NM$
+877CM$ +166CFP +253FE
+1270M +.18% +102F +64P +3.6PL
+3.25T +2.73UDC +1.25FLC
+9 Conformation
Donor Dam. IVF History:
3/28/24- 12 oocytes / 6 embryos.
4/11/24- 17 oocytes / 11 embryos.
4/25/24 - 11 oocytes / 6 embryos.
*Full brothers @ Select & Semex!

Location: 170 S W Temple St, Salt Lake City UT, 84101
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

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