2022 Upstate SC Beef Project Virtual Sale.
275 B Lehotsky Hall, Clemson SC, 29634
This auction will utilize an auto-extend, soft closing closing. With this feature, the bidding will close on ALL lots at the same time (Race Horse Style) Bidding will start to close from 7 pm to 7:02 if ANY of those lots receive a bid after 7:01 they will extend bidding on that specific lot for an additional 2 minutes. Once 2 minutes have lapsed without any bidding activity, then ALL lots will close.
Mark Cathcart: 864.909.2405
Lucy Charpin: 864.993.5317
Buyes are responsible for all processing fees.
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639