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Lot Class: Katahdin
SEX: Ewe lambs
REG#: Unavailable
NOTES: These ewes are consigned by Christian K. Fisher 5546 Meadville Rd, Gap, PA 17527, PH # (717) 842-0787. This is an awesome set of ewes with Glenbrook Farm genetics on both sides. They are sired by two rams: GB 20203 ( a GB 666 son) with great growth and MWWT, and GB 20253 (who is a half brother to GB 20223) with good growth and sound maternal numbers. Dams are a well-proven flock of commerical Katahdins sired by GB 19033,( a good maternal ram sired by GB 554). Christian has a well-proven flock that regularly lambs spring and fall. Proven aseasonal genetics!
BIRTH Date: Sept/Oct 2023
114 Glenbrook Rd, Leola PA, 17540
Contact Agent: Myles Branch 336-583-5725