Aaron Ray: 336-363-4639 | Myles: 336-583-5725 | Chad: 513-543-2315

The Horace Backus Online Memorabilia Final Auction

Online Remote Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
All funds will go to the Backus Scholarship Fund at Holstein Association USA
TWO LOTS WILL CLOSE AT THE SAME TIME AND WILL EXTEND WITH ADDITIONAL BIDDING FOR TWO MINUTES UNTIL THE LOTS ARE DECLARED SOLD! ORIGINAL ENDING TIME: 7:00 PM EDT WITH EXTENDED BIDDING TO FOLLOW! EXTENDED BIDDING WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THERE IS NO BIDDING FOR DETERMINED TIME DURING THIS PERIOD! Extended Period: 2 minutes extended bidding. Buyers will be responsible for final bid price plus an additional fee of 20% plus all postage fees to be determined after the auction. Buyers will be invoiced after postage fees have been tabulated and payment by credit card or good check is then expected made payable to COWBUYER.COM 69 Black Cherry Lane Ennice NC 28623 Contact Dave Rama at 607-435-0792 for any questions or details.

Contact Agent: MYLES BRANCH 336-583-5725
5 NY Sale catalogs! Horace's marked Bellvale Holsteins Dispersal '14 & Marked catalog from Harveydale Farm '10; Marked catalog '12 NY Spring Holstein Sale; Marked catalog NY Holstein Harvest '12; Marked catalog '12 NY ET Convention Sale!

Location: Online Remote Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: MYLES BRANCH 336-583-5725

More Details
5 NY Sale catalogs! Horace's marked Bellvale Holsteins Dispersal '14 & Marked catalog from Harveydale Farm '10; Marked catalog '12 NY Spring Holstein Sale; Marked catalog NY Holstein Harvest '12; Marked catalog '12 NY ET Convention Sale!

Location: Online Remote Auction, Delhi NY, 13753
Contact Agent: MYLES BRANCH 336-583-5725

High Bid:
$44.00 – #1017

Bidding has closed on this lot