Step Ahead Genetics & Friends Online Semen Sale
384 North Mechanic Street, Fredericksburg PA, 17026
-Selling price is per Straw
-Buyer is responsible for all costs of shipping expenses.
All semen is currently at Step Ahead Genetics. We can deliver if we are in your area or at a show this spring. We can also drop off your semen at Trans Ova, Boonsboro, MD. We can ship directly to you at the buyers expense. We ask that all buyers have a plan and communicate your plan on getting your purchase by December 31, 2025. After 12/31/25 that semen is considered abandoned. Any questions about this please contact Andy at 717-226-4766
This auction will utilize an auto-extend, soft closing. With this feature, the bidding will close on 2 lots at the same time. Bidding will start to close at 7:00 pm EST if a lot receive a bid in the last minute of bidding, they will extend bidding on that specific lots for an additional 1 minute. Once 1 minute has lapsed without any bidding activity, then the lot will close.
Contact Agent: Andy - 717-226-4766
Contact Agent: Andy - 717-226-4766