Aaron Ray: 336-363-4639 | Myles: 336-583-5725 | Chad: 513-543-2315

Generations of Gems

952 19th Avenue, Cumberland WI, 54829
Great offering of genetics...

Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639
Consigned by Genosource, Blairstown, IA 840003233645587 99%RHA-I Born 12/02/2023 +2608GTPI GPTA +610M# +48F# +30P# 81%R 4/2024 +2.8PL# 2.87SCS# -2.3DPR# 2.5%DCE# +3.44T#+2.55UDC#+1.71FLC# 80%R 4/2024 +146FE# -2.0FI# 2.6%SCE# A1A2 | BB

Location: 952 19th Avenue, Cumberland WI, 54829
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

More Details
Consigned by Genosource, Blairstown, IA 840003233645587 99%RHA-I Born 12/02/2023 +2608GTPI GPTA +610M# +48F# +30P# 81%R 4/2024 +2.8PL# 2.87SCS# -2.3DPR# 2.5%DCE# +3.44T#+2.55UDC#+1.71FLC# 80%R 4/2024 +146FE# -2.0FI# 2.6%SCE# A1A2 | BB

Location: 952 19th Avenue, Cumberland WI, 54829
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$5,400.00 – #216