Aaron Ray: 336-363-4639 | Myles: 336-583-5725 | Chad: 513-543-2315

Generations of Gems

952 19th Avenue, Cumberland WI, 54829
Great offering of genetics...

Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

Consigned by Woodmohr Jerseys, Bloomer, WI USA000174019851 BORN 03/02/2020 TATTOO WMF354 / WMF354 DHI HERD # 35-09-4532 CONTROL # 354 PPA and YD -5645M -133F -139P / -4666M -70F -103P CDCB PTA 04/01/2024 2RECS 53%R 8%ILE -1700M -24F -37P -346CM$ -350NM$ -408FM$ -353GM$ -0.6PL -1.1LIV 0.4DPR 0.2CCR 1.4HCR 3.21SCS -0.1MFV 0.3DAB 0.1KET -0.1MAS 0.1MET 0.3RPL 0.54HTI AJCA 4/1/2024 PTAT 46%R 1.2 JUI 19.8 JPI 46%R -65 Appraisal: 91% @ 3-02 2-00 268 2 13460 6.2 841 3.7 498 3-00 305 2 19100 6.8 1290 4.1 780 4-00 305 2 22768 5.8 1338 3.7 850 Proj. Act. Fresh 3/6/24 Bred 4/30 to: MM Vierra Firebrand 840003250243129 100JE7465

Location: 952 19th Avenue, Cumberland WI, 54829
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

More Details
Consigned by Woodmohr Jerseys, Bloomer, WI USA000174019851 BORN 03/02/2020 TATTOO WMF354 / WMF354 DHI HERD # 35-09-4532 CONTROL # 354 PPA and YD -5645M -133F -139P / -4666M -70F -103P CDCB PTA 04/01/2024 2RECS 53%R 8%ILE -1700M -24F -37P -346CM$ -350NM$ -408FM$ -353GM$ -0.6PL -1.1LIV 0.4DPR 0.2CCR 1.4HCR 3.21SCS -0.1MFV 0.3DAB 0.1KET -0.1MAS 0.1MET 0.3RPL 0.54HTI AJCA 4/1/2024 PTAT 46%R 1.2 JUI 19.8 JPI 46%R -65 Appraisal: 91% @ 3-02 2-00 268 2 13460 6.2 841 3.7 498 3-00 305 2 19100 6.8 1290 4.1 780 4-00 305 2 22768 5.8 1338 3.7 850 Proj. Act. Fresh 3/6/24 Bred 4/30 to: MM Vierra Firebrand 840003250243129 100JE7465

Location: 952 19th Avenue, Cumberland WI, 54829
Contact Agent: Aaron Ray Tompkins 336-363-4639

High Bid:
$7,600.00 – #200